Upanayanam Ceremony is performed for the boy child when he attains the proper age where he is ready to learn all the Vedas, mantras and perform sandhyavandhanam every day.
It is the process of wearing the sacred white thread (three white threads) along with Deerskin and Brahma Mudichi (Brahma Knot) used while performing the Gayathri Japa.
The main rituals performed during Upanayanam are Brahmopadesam and Yagnopavidam. As per the corresponding family Vedas namely Yajur, Rig, Adarvana, or Sama, and the vadhyar of that appropriate Veda will perform the entire ceremony as per that Vedic standard and its mantras. Udaka Shanthi and Nandhi are a vital part of the Upanayanam Pooja Ritual.
When To Perform Upanayanam Ceremony?
When the male child attains 8 years of age, based on the boy’s birth Nakshatra, this ceremony is done by fixing a Muhurta.
Benefits Of Upanayanam Ceremony:
- The boy is now eligible to learn all Vedas and allowed to perform.
- He is guarded against all kinds of evil spirits and negative energies.
Book Vadhyar for Upanayanam Ceremony
Key Information:
- The boy gains the right to study Vedas through this ceremony.
- This allows a Brahmin boy to enter into Brahmacharya Avastha.
- The three threads stand for Brahma, Vishnu, and Siva.
- Done on an auspicious date compatible with Janma Nakshatra of the boy
Our Promise:
- Experienced priests.
- All rituals follow Vedic Standards and Procedures.
- High-quality Samagri(items) to ensure a pleasant Pooja experience.
- Guaranteed Punctuality and Authenticity.
- Professional Guidance & Support